Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Spiritual Response to A Physical Dilemma
by Gavriel Aryeh Sanders
Much has been written on the unfolding drama, pain, and conundrum of Ariel Sharon's unilateral expulsion of Jews from their homeland. There is no precedent for this in any other democratic country.
It is not my place to do an analysis of all the issues. I actually went to Gush Katif in early June and I can simply say that the part of my heart I left there is in unquenchable agony. I know many people there. I hurt for and with them.
It's not a sad news day. It's a black day in Jewish history as democratic principles prized in the West are trampled underfoot in the only "democratic" country in the Middle East. And that's only a piece of this bizarre puzzle.
How to respond? Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu asks that we repeat Tehillim (Psalms) 20 and 91 as often as possible, especially with a group. Fasting is recommended tomorrow (Wed. Aug. 17). There are many other suggestions as well as up to the moment news at www.israelnn.com.
G-d help us to learn what we must, to change what we can, and to humbly trust in His guidance.
HaShem oz l'amo yiten - HaShem y'varekh et amo b'shalom.