Sunday, May 13, 2007

Audio Archives Under Reconstruction

We're switching over the audio archives for the Gavriel Sanders Show to a new server hosted by Programs #53-60 are now available. Earlier programs will be successively uploaded. Two listening formats are available via Torah Media - online audio streaming and downloading to your computer or MP3 device. You can access the current menu of uploaded programming here.

Program Update! Gavriel Sanders Show Debuts in Miami

The Gavriel Sanders Show, an audio magazine of of Jewish information, inspiration, motivation, and transformation, can now be heard in South Miami FL on WKAT AM 1360 on Monday nights at 10PM.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gavriel's Launches "The Jewish Journey" Series on"


Click the link to access the new 10 minute audio series which debuted recently on one of the most heavily trafficked of all Jewish content sites on the Web.

The Jewish Journey: WMD's In Your Head?

The Jewish Journey: Living an A.W.E.some Life!

Victims or Victors of Circumstance: Pick One!

Don't Label - Be Happy

Judaism is NOT a Religion

We Have A New Sponsor - Baruch Hashem!

We're pleased to announce that the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry has agreed to become our anchor sponsor for the Gavriel Sanders Show radio program. Other sponsors are in process.

The radio show has now gone from 30 minutes of weekly programming to a full hour.

We have some excellent teachers and speakers who are providing us nourishment for the mind and motivation for the will! Check out the latest content in the audio archives of