Sunday, August 28, 2005
Help the Victims of Expulsion Now -
The Israeli Government Isn't
The state controlled Israeli media wants you and me to believe that each expelled family has received up to $500,000 in compensation and will enjoy hotel accommodations or "caravillas" till new residences are readied. That is patently false. No one is receiving any money. We know this from regular contact with expulsion victims. And many families who were put up in hotels are being told they must leave now. Those "caravillas" are tiny two room sweat boxes compared to the normal homes the people had just a few days ago. Furthermore, most families with children have no idea where to send their kids as the new school year opens.
When the Jerusalem zoo was moved recently due to agitation of the animals by shelling from Beit Jallah near Bethlehem, the process took a year. When fish ponds in Eilat were relocated, the process took two years so as not to overly excite the fish. The government of Israel has had over 18 months to prepare for for the relocation of 10,000 people. It appears that monkeys and trout have greater value to the government than the brave Jews that endured over 5,000 rocket and mortar attacks in the last four years. Mind you, these are the people that Mr. Sharon recently called "the heroes of Israel".
On my Internet radio program tonight, I called for financial assistance, no matter how small, to be sent immediately to help families in need. Here are two addresses to which you can send funds. 100% of the monies go to aid these distressed people. I know both agencies personally.
1. Zo Artzeinu, PO Box 244, Cedarhurst NY 11516 (Check memo: Relief Fund)
2. American Friends of Torat Hachayim, c/o Dov Hikind, 1310 48th Street, Brooklyn NY 11219 (This fund supports two hundred families from the yeshiva in Neve Dekalim.)
This is an extreme emergency. Please respond kindly and quickly.