Thursday, May 08, 2008

Program Line Up for May 4 08 - #106

This final (for now) edition of the Gavriel Sanders Show features:

1. Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Goodman of Far Rockaway with a fascinating insight on Lex Talionis (eye for an eye) as brought down in this week's Torah portion of Emor.

2. Face-to-Face with Moshe Handler: The executive director of Derech Dovid, returns with more amazing, life-changing personal stories happening just this last month through the outreach organization of Harav Yitzchak Kimmel. Warning: This interview could seriously enhance the quality of your life!

To listen on line, click here.

To download the MP3 file, click here.

Suspending the Weekly Radio Broadcast

It's been a tough decision. But I've had to make it.

The weekly New York radio broadcast, while popular, was not paying its way. Worse - we've accrued a debt to the network. I cannot in good conscience keep producing a show based on Torah values that is not financially solvent. So - until such time as we are current and I know that at least the air time will be consistently underwritten, I am pulling the plug on my own mike. I regret any disappointment this creates, especially for friends and listeners via the Web.

I'll let you know if things change.

Kol tuv - G

Gavriel's YouTube Video on Israel's at 60

Former Fox and CBS producer Mark Pearlman has been creating Israel at 60 videos for various online webcasts. Here's a piece he did with yours truly that runs 04:44. Click here to view.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Program Line Up for Apr 7 08 Gavriel Sanders Show #104

In the latest show, which aired Sunday midnight April 7th, we feature: 1) Rabbi Yitzchak Goodman with insights on the Torah portion of Metzora (brilliant!) 2) Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski with part 2 of his Passover series of thoughts: The spiritual message of chametz. 3) Dr. Lisa Aiken continues with part 3 of "Beyond Mars & Venus: A Jewish View of Relationships for Men & Women" 4) Science & the Torah: Not so far apart! Rabbi Chaim Friedman and Rabbi Mordechai Geduld demonstrate the sweeping changes occurring in the world of physics vis-à-vis creation and the Creator.

To listen online, click: Stream To listen on your computer or MP3 device, click: Download .

Here's a Great Article on Modern Jewish Identity

My colleague Benyamin Jolkovsky, editor and webmaster of, wrote a brain-slapping piece on Jewish identity nearly ten years ago. It seems in the last decade that the modern Jewish world has learned little and forgotten much.

Check it out HERE.