It has been many months - nearly eight - since I've said goodbye to my father. I haven't added an entry since the description of events surrounding the funeral. In my regular work as a publicist, I've certainly written many words to promote new books. And as a broadcaster, I've written up many an intro/outro segment. But when it comes to the style of writing that results from soul reflection, I just haven't had much internally to work with.
But I learned something profoundly simple in the last couple of days - that I could change my perspective by simply deciding to change my perspective. Thoughts are thoughts - feelings are feelings; but neither may actually be real. They are a reflection of a perception of reality. But they can be completely skewed - and often are.
Another important lesson: the value of difficulties.
For much of my life, I've held the escapist's view of hardships. "HOW can I get out of this?" But having read Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis' new book Life Is A Test - along with a bit of attitudinal chiropractic help from the Rambam - I ask a different question now about difficulties, viz. "WHAT can I get out of this?"
This simple shift has been life changing. No more victim of circumstances.
This has had great value to me. I thought you might appreciate knowing.