In the latest show, which aired Sunday midnight April 7th, we feature: 1) Rabbi Yitzchak Goodman with insights on the Torah portion of Metzora (brilliant!) 2) Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski with part 2 of his Passover series of thoughts: The spiritual message of chametz. 3) Dr. Lisa Aiken continues with part 3 of "Beyond Mars & Venus: A Jewish View of Relationships for Men & Women" 4) Science & the Torah: Not so far apart! Rabbi Chaim Friedman and Rabbi Mordechai Geduld demonstrate the sweeping changes occurring in the world of physics vis-à-vis creation and the Creator.
To listen online, click: Stream To listen on your computer or MP3 device, click: Download .
Friday, April 11, 2008
Here's a Great Article on Modern Jewish Identity
My colleague Benyamin Jolkovsky, editor and webmaster of, wrote a brain-slapping piece on Jewish identity nearly ten years ago. It seems in the last decade that the modern Jewish world has learned little and forgotten much.
Check it out HERE.
Check it out HERE.