Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Why Peace with the Palestinians is Unachievable

Under the present climate, there is no partner for peace on the other side of the diplomatic table. The truth is, there never has been. The long stated, unchanging objective of these people is for the total end of Israel and the presence of Jews in the Jewish homeland.

Do not be fooled by statements made in English. The Arabic says it all, and in this posting, you can see the visual element.

I have lived amongst Muslims, particularly the two and a half years I spent in Saudi Arabia. One theme unites them more than any other - a pan Arab hatred of Jews.

There is no room in the Muslim world for a Jewish state. It's about as tenable as seeing Abdullah eating a pork sandwich at high noon on the street in Mecca during Ramadan. In other words, not gonna happen!

I wish things were otherwise - I really do. But I know too much on this subject. Any talk of peace by the Palestinians is to be interpreted as "a temporary peace to obtain a tactical advantage".

Liberals like Yossi Beilin, who lives for a noble "world without borders", thinks you can charm the savage beasts that destroyed Jewish holy places this week. Yossi, wake up. You can't.

Click HERE to read the article and view a video clip from Palestine TV.

Kabbalist Urges Jews to Israel Ahead of Upcoming Disasters

Click on title to read article.

Video of Expulsion Day - See It, Feel It, Share It

Click here to watch. (Windows Media required)

Approx. 15 min run time

Images of the Expulsion - by Shlomo Wollins,

Photojournalist Shlomo Wollins assembled this 127-picture gallery of the expulsion. See it, feel it, share it.

Many of the people you see here are now homeless, with no money, no schools for their children, and surviving with very few of this world's goods.

To access the gallery, click HERE.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Anti-Christian Pogrom in the West Bank

Today's action item:

The subject Muslim wrath against Christians is receiving negligible coverage in the press, but it is alarming and increasing. Please use your contacts to spread awareness of this serious problem.

Click here to read the story.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Redeem A Jewish Captive - from Imprisonment by the Jewish State!

Today's action item: Send this notice to ten others.

The case of Shimon Cytryn is disturbingly reminiscent of communist regimes - but it's happening in "the only Middle Eastern democracy". Click the the title to read the latest in this ongoing story of twisted justice. Respond to the simple request to help via the email campaign. Am Yisrael Chai!

Rescue & Relief for Southern Jews Affected by Hurricane Katrina

Today's action item:

Click on the title to read the posting.